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Hey, beautiful soul.

Are you ready to enter a portal of deep healing, remembrance, magic, and rapid acceleration of your soul's path?

Are you ready to remember the unique magic & medicine that you have to offer?

Are you ready to become the conscious creator of your own reality and take radical responsibility for your vibration?

Are you craving a spiritual deep dive to remember your own power, heal old wounds & pain, meet your soul, and bring magic into the mundane?

Are you ready to attract your desires by becoming e
xactly who you're meant to be?

We created
just for you.

We are so ready to welcome you into this sacred portal of love & remembrance.

In this world, it's so easy to become
disconnected from our own power.

We get stuck thinking that we're just cogs in the machine & that we have no control over our own reality.


That we have to be on a societally acceptable path and check boxes in order to meet others' expectations.


We go through the motions and become blind to the magic that's around every corner because we're moving too fast.

Along the way, the light of our soul & the wisdom within gets dimmed by the hustle & bustle of daily life.

We created this program as a full stop. A disruption to going through the motions so that we can remember the magic we actually came here for.


A sacred landing place where you can be witnessed with SO much love as you remember your power to create your own reality & live a life that's a true, authentic expression of your soul.


Meet Your Magic: A Sacred Vortex Experience is perfect for you if...

You're a spiritual soul ready to cultivate your own potential &

remember your own innate power

You find yourself on autopilot/going through the motions

but you know you're meant for more

You notice a tendency to want to numb out/run away from yourself when things get sticky (scrolling, Netflix, avoiding silence & stillness, using food or substances to fill an emotional void)

You're ready to unlock your power, remember your truth,

and build a life that feels 100% authentic to YOU. 

You're craving spiritual community where you can be fully

seen and witnessed on your journey

You just genuinely want to be in a sacred container of loooove.

You're just ready. You just know.

If that spoke to your soul, this 6-week immersion
is for you. 

Our intention inside Meet Your Magic is to help you shake your soul awake, wipe the dust off your 3rd eye, and take radical responsibility for becoming the sovereign leader of your own soul-led life. 

It's time to connect back into the magic, rediscover a sparkly, childlike sense of wonder and excitement, and remember that every time you open your eyes in the morning is a gift & a new opportunity to live as the highest expression of YOU.

Who are your guides?

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 We are a pair of soul sisters who met in music school studying vocal performance in Miami, FL.

While our time in person together was extremely limited, our friendship blossomed from 1,000 miles away after Elle returned home to Albuquerque, NM in the midst of the pandemic. 

In the thick of Elle's spiritual awakening and beginnings of sobriety and Maya's stepping away from the traditional musical path she'd been on for 20+ years in order to pursue building her own business as a spiritual entrepreneur, we became each other's absolute soul-homes.


We navigated massive transition together by communicating via audio message for hours a day. We processed the ups and downs, the stickiness and the beauty, celebrated each other like we'd never celebrated before, and reforged a bond that's for sureeee been written in the stars since the beginning of time.

In late 2021, we floated the idea of bringing our daily Audio Message Vortex out into the world for all to take part in via a podcast. It was a full-body yes from us both.


The Sacred Vortex Podcast has now been live with weekly episodes for over a year and has collected a beautiful community of sacred listeners from across the globe.  

We collect the lessons of our own spiritual journeys as we go and put them to words in real time.

We discuss all things spirituality, synchronicities, communicating with the Universe, facing off with our own shadows, meeting our souls again and again, celebrating each other, and basking in the magic of being a human alive today.

A little more about us...

Maya is a 5x certified coach, subconscious reprogramming practitioner, hypnotist, Reiki Master energy healer, writer, and forever soul-searcher. She is also a business mentor to soul-led coaches and healers. 

Maya combines her nearly 20 years of experience in spirituality, personal development, and holistic healing with neuroscience-backed techniques like NLP and hypnosis to help women transform into the most radiant, confident, and authentic versions of themselves.


Maya's goal as a coach and healer is to guide you back home to your soul and she operates under the belief system that we all have the power to create any reality that we choose. She is here to be part of the wave of lightworkers who are raising the vibration of the planet with love and authentic self-expression.


Elle is a beautiful old soul, with vibrant energy of the future. She carries and cultivates codes in authenticity, wonder, queerness, and the rebel heart. Elle has a way of reminding the world it is our birthright to BE. To play. To create. To listen. She wants you here, to take up the space only you can. 


After graduating college Elle found herself in a rich void of confusion about life. She turned to alcohol to soothe, briefly embodying an addict archetype. In November of 2020, she signed a deal with sobriety and slowly the light cracked back in. Unable to run from herself, Elle met the magic in the mundane, cultivating a daily spiritual practice to demand her remembrance of the divinity of life on the daily. 

Elle is here to be of service in humanity’s remembering that this earthly plane is one to live fully.  She is a gifted vocalist, and has long written mantra music to soothe her soul. She’s been described as an up and coming voice meant to guide/hold others in their self expression - she is beginning to work with souls looking to cultivate relationship with their vocal channel as a Voice Doula.

Let's talk about the Meet Your Magic experience... 🪄

This is a 6-week spiritual immersion group program.

This round will run from May 28 - July 2. 

When you sign up, you will receive...

✅ 6 weeks of LIVE, weekly 2-hour group calls, each on a different topic pertaining to spirituality, healing, manifestation, and expansion.

Calls will include...

🧘🏻‍♀️ a welcome, meditation, and ground-down

✨ a 60-minute teaching on the core topic of the day

💕 an activity or exercise to integrate that topic

🪄 group discussion & support with integration

📝 aligned actions to take with you into the week for further integration

🔮 a card pull & channeled messages

✅ A community Facebook group for all members of Meet Your Magic to be witnessed in their journey, share, collaborate, encourage & celebrate one another, and form sacred sisterhood bonds.

BONUS gifts & resources when you sign up!

The Meet Your Magic Curriculum

Week 1

Week 2

🦋 Devotional Practice: Creating your own daily spiritual practice and committing to a 40-days of devotion journey with the Meet Your Magic Community. Devotion will serve as the foundation of all we move through inside of this 6-week experience.

🦋 Subconscious Reprogramming: Be guided through powerful subconscious release techniques to break through the old limiting beliefs that are holding you back from creating a reality you adore. Techniques will include past timeline release for inner child & trauma healing (trauma-sensitive & gentle, don't worry!), EFT tapping and NLP Anchoring for programming in supportive beliefs.

Week 3

Week 4

🦋 Awaken Your Truth/Voice & Throat Chakra Activation: A voice awakening experience to help you tap into your communication center and shake off the dust that's holding you back from speaking your truth & asking for what you truly desire. Prepare to explore singing, chanting, songwriting, and loooove for your unique voice!

🦋 Human Design: A deep-dive with an expert into your Human Design, AKA the unique energetic blueprint you're meant to follow in this lifetime. You'll learn your decision-making strategy, how your energy interacts with the world, telltale signs that you're out of alignment, how to optimize your day-to-day for feeling your best, and your HD personality type!

Week 5

Week 6

🦋 Channeling: A guided journey to learn how to channel your intuition (AKA the voice of your soul), your higher self, your spirit team, and Universal Source Energy. You will meet your guides and learn how to ask for signs and synchronicities to keep you in close communication with them. You'll remember that powerful guidance is always just an ask away, and develop an active dialogue with Higher Guidance on the daily!

🦋 Bringing it all together & finding the magic in the mundane: Commit to living life as a ceremony & seeing magic around every corner, craft a daily spiritual practice that you'll take with you beyond this container, remember who TF you are, and declare how you want to show up as that person from now till forever more! Get ready for manifestation MAGIC!

We invite you to take a moment and imagine what's possible for you on this 6-week journey.

🌻 What would it be like to wake up each morning & experience genuine gratitude for the life you're living, the body you're in, and the Divine guidance of your soul that's ALWAYS on your side?

🌻 To attract your desires with ease and joy, simply by living your soul's truth?

🌻 To no longer try to numb away your shadows & big emotions, but to honor and adore them so they can easily be transmuted into love and healing?

🌻 To understand that it's TRULY possible to live a life that's an authentic expression of your soul - no hiding, no box-checking, no playing small. You get to be ALL of you.

🌻 To know that you're NEVER alone on your spiritual journey? That you're held by loving community & Universal guidance always?

We want you to know that you can have it all, sweet sista queen.

Are you feeling that whisper from your soul? ✨That means you're ready for
the next step. 💫

If you're a full-body HELL YES, you can sign up
directly at the link below!

Early-bird pricing ($111 off) is available through May 12th. 

Payment plans are available. If you know you want to join but are needing even more flexibility, please reach out to inquire at

If you're on the fence or have some questions, you can book a free 20-minute consultation call with us below!

On the call, we will answer your questions and walk you through the Meet Your Magic experience step-by-step so you can make an aligned & empowered decision!

Remember... the Universe always shows up for those who take a leap of courage & make a big energetic statement that they are ready to go deeper and live their truth louder.


✨Frequently Asked Questions 💫

When & where does the program take place?

Meet Your Magic will run from May 28th - July 2nd, 2023. Weekly meetings will take place via Zoom on Sundays, and we will send out a poll to determine the best time of day for all participants. If you need to miss a call, don't worry. Replays will be sent out every week. You will also have 24/7 access to the private student community Facebook group.

How can I lock in early bird pricing?

Early bird pricing is available to all who enroll before May 12th!

I want to join, but I'm nervous about the investment. What should I do?

We are big believers in the special kind of magic that happens when we invest in our growth and up-leveling. By the Universal Law of Compensation, any energy you put outward will come back to you in some way shape or form, be it money, value, growth, a manifestation coming into the 3D, or simply feeling like a more empowered version of yourself. It's common to receive unexpected money after making an investment in your own growth and healing - it happens to my clients all the time! That said, if this is a yes for you, we don't want finances to hold you back. That's why our payment plan option is available!

I'm already spiritual. Do I need this program?

This experience is for all levels of spirituality. If you're brand new, what an EPIC place to begin. If you're seasoned in the world of spirituality, this portal will shake things up, wipe off the dust, and elevate you into the next level of your soul expression.

Who is this program for?

All humans who genuinely want to be witnessed, deeply loved, and so supported as they move into their next phase of authenticity, living their truth, and connection to their divine spirit.  

What is your refund policy?

Because of the love and devotion that goes into creating an experience like this for you, there is a no refund policy on all Maya Davis LLC and Sacred Vortex products.

I'd love your thoughts. Let's connect!

Thanks, beautiful soul!

© 2022 by Maya Davis LLC

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