At the beginning, I thought becoming an online coach would be easy.
It appeared from the outside to be a fun, lighthearted adventure to help me live my passions on my own terms.
Then, the low points came and I was totally unprepared.
The cancelled sales calls.
The rejection.
The tears.
The "I'm just going to get a regular job."
The "I don't want to do this anymore."
The cash dips.
The mis-aligned clients.
These are the moments that no one talks about in the online coaching space.
Many don't get past those moments.
Most decide that because it's not immediately easy and the results aren't coming instantly, that it's not working.
Most don't choose resilience through the inevitable low points that come in the first years of your business.
Several years into my own business and a lifetime of highs and lows later, I have come to understand that the person who has the most success has collected the most failures.
I've become the person who can hold them.
I've become the person who can love herself anyway.
I've learned how to hold the lows and get back up.
The challenges have given me deeper richness, solidity, meaning, and magnetism as a coach.
They taught me to show up with courage and heart.
And it's time you learn to do the same so that you can build something deep and meaningful that LASTS.
In the Resilience Masterclass, you'll...
😌 Learn to hold and move through the low moments of your coaching business without letting them make you want to quit.
🙏🏼 Gain tools for dealing with rejection, fear of failure, comparison, and burnout.
🦄 Become a coach and business owner who can do hard things with an mindset of ease, acceptance, and peace.
🔥 Make your mess your message and allow your challenges to make you someone who leads with vulnerability, truth, heart, depth, and courage.
