On-Demand Events
Meditate With Mary & Maya: Virtual Workshop
About the Event
If you've always wanted to learn to meditate - or to revive your existing practice - here's the perfect chance to take a pause from the noise of the world.
This workshop was hosted live in April of 2021 and received such beautiful feedback. We have decided to share it with you on-demand so that you can nurture your meditation practice on your own time, and return to it whenever you need a spiritual jumpstart.
The Course Includes...
a 1-hour workshop video in its entirety
a 20-minute question and answer period at the end
an accompanying PDF with meditation tips and tools
You Will Learn...
a classic breath awareness meditation
how to relax and go deeper
3 ways to quiet your thoughts
how to use a mantra
how to impact world peace through your inner peace
Historically, meditation is known as the path to enlightenment. But on the way, it can help us reduce stress and anxiety, feel more focused and calm, increase intuition and feel more joy in our lives.
This is a workshop for all souls. No prior experience is necessary. If you are already an experienced meditator, we have plenty of tips for you too.
Join us for a practice that will change your life.
Anchored in Source:
Virtual Spirituality Workshop

Are you ready to finally stand in your full power and worth?
Anchored in Source is a 60-minute pre-recorded workshop.
Drawing on the spiritual knowledge I have gleaned through years of study and immersion as well as my personal experience with Source energy and the spiritual practices that have connected me to it, I have created a loving, compassionate space in which you will have the opportunity to...
Learn the definition of Source energy
Reconnect to who you truly are: an infinitely powerful soul with access to Source at all times
Uncover the true reasons you feel disconnected, burnt out, lost, or in need of something more
Discover spiritual practices that will reinvigorate you
Experience guided meditation, Reiki, journaling, communication with your spirit guides, and more
Begin to craft a spiritual practice of your own
Realign with what truly brings you joy, lights you up, and connects you to your deepest power and worth
...and more!
Not sure or need more info? Contact me using the form below!