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An Update + How I'm Keeping My Vibration High in Uncertain Times

Hi, dear souls.

It’s been a little longer than usual since I’ve posted. I have been in a sort of hibernation, halfway between confusion/fear/brain fog about what day it is and how I’ve suddenly lost half my work, and embracing this new quiet, slow, sweatpants-every-damn-day lifestyle most of us are living.

Some days I feel deeply in flow, optimistic and grateful. Other days I feel scared, restless, and out of control.

My introverted self is relieved to be taking a break from scurrying all over town to lessons, rehearsals, and social events every day. I’m learning that the work-from-home lifestyle I’ve been dreaming of for years really does feel right to me in practice.

My Higher Self is telling me that this time is teaching us to go inward and lean into our spiritual practices, not as extras but as truly necessary tools for sanity and survival.

But my sensitive self knows that there is a new weight on the shoulders of the world, which has brought out unanticipated darkness, anxiety, and fear in many.

I want to honor the fact that this new reality we are living in has forced major adjustments on all of us.

Every aspect of life – from our work, to our play, to our internal landscapes – has been thrown headlong into complete newness and uncertainty. The outbreak of COVID-19 has forced us to adapt whether we were willing and ready or not, and I recognize that for many of us, that adaptation has been messy, painful, and exhausting.

As humans, we are designed to adapt to our circumstances. But we are also creatures of habit. When habit is ripped away from us, we feel deeply unsafe and unsteady. We are forced to reconcile – face to face – with our lack of control over, well, anything.

My hope for this time is that we can apply some of the positive aspects of this scenario to our lives when we eventually emerge from this involuntary hibernation.

That we may continue to value human connection for what it is – precious and not guaranteed.

That we may continue to cling to nature and fresh air as a source of grounding and healing.

That we may continue to live in flow, practicing presence instead of fear and worry of the future.

Whether this transition has been delightful or devastating for you, I want you to know that I see you, I hear you, and you are absolutely not alone. We are experiencing this as one, navigating new territory and forcibly humbling ourselves to the sheer uncertainty of it all.

I hope that you discover a lesson, an opportunity for growth, or something about yourself that you wouldn’t have understood without this time away from normalcy. I hope that it brings you closer to yourself, and ultimately brings you into deeper communion with your ever-wise, peaceful, and loving soul.

With that hope in mind, I want to share with you a few things that have been instrumental in keeping my vibration high during this wild time. But before I do, I have a quick update on something exciting that’s in the works for you here at Someday My Soul.

A Quick Update //

This past Sunday, I led a guided meditation via Instagram live! When the idea came to me, it was accompanied by a strong tug of mean-to-be-ness, as well as a small dose of anxiety and self-doubt. It was my first time leading a meditation of any kind, but the tug won over and I decided to dive into the vulnerable world of live online exposure.

Despite my anxieties, the meditation felt natural, communal, and Divinely guided. I had a small group of sweet friends join me, and I felt we were able to connect to each other as well as return to groundedness in our bodies and souls. The overall experience felt overwhelmingly positive and meant to be.

This led to a burst of excitement about offering a series of guided meditations both via Instagram live AND as audio files on my website. And so, the Guided Meditations tab at was born!

With the help of my wonderful audio engineer, I was able to extract the audio from my Instagram meditation, add an intro and outro, and create my very first guided meditation offering, available to you anytime and anywhere.

I would love if you would head over to the new page, check it out, and let me know what you think!

If you are interested in joining me for more Instagram live meditations, I plan to continue on a weekly basis. Follow me at @somedaymysoul so you don’t miss the next one! Each live meditation will also become an audio file for the website.

In addition to adding my Guided Meditations page, I've given my homepage a little renovation as well. Check it out!

I am overjoyed that this new facet of Someday My Soul flowed through naturally and without force. That’s how I know it’s right and that the timing was Divine. Thank you so much for supporting me through this new phase of my website and brand. I’m so excited to expand my offerings and my connection to each of you. More importantly, I’m excited to assist you in deepening your connection to your beautiful soul.

Now, let’s dive into the brief list of the tools I’ve been using to stay grounded and high vibrational during this time of heaviness and uncertainty. I share these with you not because they are a perfect formula for anxiety-free living, but in hopes they may remind you that you have the power to soothe your soul in difficult times.

Journaling //

Journaling has been a non-negotiable spiritual practice for me for some time now (read about that here!), but since self-isolating, it has become my #1 source of grounding first thing in the morning.

Each day, I make myself a coffee and take my journals onto the porch.

I write my gratitudes, my worries, my feelings, events from the previous day that I need to process, my intentions for the new day, and any messages that have come through from my intuition or guides.

It’s not just the therapeutic aspects of journaling that set me up for a grounded, high-vibrational day. It’s also the time spent alone in the fresh air. Creating that sacred, quiet space for myself before moving through the rest of my day has been instrumental in keeping my anxiety at bay. This practice has helped me to start my days calm, centered, and clear.

Time Outdoors //

It seems that for many of us, fresh air has never felt like such a privilege or blessing. To emerge from our quarantine nests into the great outdoors is rejuvenating to the stir-crazy soul and provides clarity to the overactive mind.

I have been spending time outdoors in Mama Nature’s beautiful company nearly every morning and evening. It feels like a total reset; like the sky and earth conspire to wash away the day’s small worries and present us with some perspective. Mama Nature holds us and reminds us of a benevolent force much greater than ourselves.

I sense that Mama Nature is reveling in the world’s current state of quietude. She is joyfully thriving in the absence of excessive human activity. And wow, does she deserve the break and the reverence many of us are currently affording her.

For more on how to connect to nature, no matter how busy or how much access to nature you may have on a daily basis, read my post here!

Movement //

Before I begin this section, I want to be clear that I am not talking about exercising for the “quarantine booty” or any other external reward. I am talking about exercising for the mental and spiritual benefits. I firmly feel that this time is all about purifying our internal landscapes with the activities and practices that make us feel most aligned, peaceful, and able to act from a place of love rather than fear. If exercise is not one of those activities for you, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! Perhaps you will find some joy and alignment in the next section below, which is about Reiki and meditation. <3

Continuing to move my body through this time has been huge for my mental health. Exercise brings me a massive rush of joy and excitement.

I am so grateful to the community of instructors and managers at SoulCycle Miami, who have been offering almost daily workouts via Instagram live. Not only am I getting my heart rate up regularly for a healthy dose of endorphins, but I feel like I’ve been able to stay connected to a community I love despite social distancing.

If you are interested in joining me in any of the epic live workouts I’ve been participating in from my living room, please reach out. The more the merrier.

I have been balancing out my high-intensity workouts with Zoom yoga classes by Maria Hamburger and online classes with Casa Vinyasa Miami.

I am amazed by the fitness community’s selfless offering of their abilities during this time. They are holding space for us to get out of our minds and into our bodies, clear out any stagnant energy through movement, and find joy in that sweet, sweet exercise high.

Reiki //

A few weeks ago, I began a four-part online Reiki training. The first level involves a 21-day Reiki self-treatment, intended to increase energetic purity and prepare the trainee to become a bridge between Universal energy and the recipients of the Reiki energy here on earth.

I have found the Reiki self-treatment to be incredibly healing. While it is meant to serve a specific training purpose in my journey as a Reiki practitioner, it has also taken on the role of my daily meditation practice. I sit in a meditative state for 17 minutes a day, sending healing, loving energy to different energetic centers in my body. The simple practice of becoming quiet and attuning to my body with loving, healing intentions has been one of my greatest sources of grounding during this time.

I've been experiencing a lot of anxiety surrounding my online teaching, so I try to do my Reiki meditation before I sit down to my lessons for the day. I have often entered the meditation feeling scattered, fearful, and out of alignment. I almost always come out of it feeling reintegrated with my body, quieter in my mind, and prepared to do my work humbly, in service to my students.

The power of getting quiet and going inward, even for just a few moments, can't be overestimated. Time spent tending to our internal landscape can make the difference between chaos and calm, fear and love, uncertainty and intuitive knowing.

If you are interested in Reiki and would like to learn more about it, contact me using the submission form below! I'm sure there will be future blog posts detailing my Reiki training journey.

Finally, I am so grateful for the loving words and kindness I've received from the Someday My Soul community. Connecting with you all, even virtually, is such a source of joy for me. I know we are stronger together and that if we continue to lift one another up, commit to our high vibrational practices, and tend to our souls daily, we will emerge from this wiser, more loving, and more whole.

With so much love, from my heart to yours. Xoxo.


Scott Davis
Scott Davis
Apr 08, 2020

Maya - These thoughts and feelings are so valuable in this dark time. I especially feel that the ability to be in nature is one of our greatest blessings now. And I look forward to the guided meditations!


Thank you Beiyao, Olga, and Mary for your sweet words! I'm so glad the post and the guided meditations are resonating. We are in this together, xoxo.


Apr 08, 2020

Everything about this resonates with my soul Maya. Breathing deeper, feeling the ray of hope and "humbling myself to the sheer uncertainty of it all." Big thank you for sharing your wisdom.


beautiful and timely! Thank you! 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻


Beiyao Ji
Beiyao Ji
Apr 07, 2020

That guided meditation is the bomb!!


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